

Frequently Asked Questions (with Answers!) and other Help


EAGLE Software has taken every step to prevent any confusion associated with our popular products. If, on the other hand, you run across a question we hope this page will be of assistance. Here you will find common questions and answers, and common errors and warnings generated by the software or the operating system. Please do not hesitate to contact EAGLE with your concerns.



CABINET CONVERTER is a custom conversion utility that automates document migration. CABINET CONVERTER for AOS/VS (II)/CABINET CONVERTER for Open VMS

Questions and Answers

. Can CABINET CONVERTER be used to migrate documents to Windows 95 or Windows NT?
. Yes. Use the /NTFS switch on CABINET CONVERTER to create long filenames and use CPIO32.EXE instead of CPIO.EXE to load documents onto the PC.

. Are CEO filed messages migrated by CABINET CONVERTER?
. Yes. Filed messages are converted to a text document which looks like the CEO_CP's filed message display.

. Can data tables and spreadsheets be converted?
. Yes. EAGLE Software has a tool which converts CEO Decision Base data tables and spreadsheets to Lotus 1-2-3 release 3 (WK3). Computer Associates 20/20 spreadsheets can be converted to Lotus 1-2-3 release 1 (WK1).

. How long does it take CABINET CONVERTER to migrate documents?
. This depends on the capacity of your MV machine. Document conversion is very slow on the MV. Here at EAGLE, we have been to able to migrate 450 documents per hour on an MV/9500. This throughput is obtained by migrating 3-4 users at the same time. If no document conversion is required on the MV, the throughput is much, much higher.


DISK_PAK contains a related set of utilities that enables system managers or operators to monitor disk and/or file organization, eliminate disk fragmentation, and effectively manage and optimize disk resources.

- Errors and Warning messages

. Warning: LDU in use, cannot release, file LDUNAME
. When releasing an LDU, AOS/VS and AOS/VS II require that no one can be using the LDU, and no one's search list can contain files on the LDU to be released.

. xxxxxxxxxxx Block not allocated in the bitmap
. During the verification phase, DISK_ORGANIZER may find that AOS/VS (or AOS/VS II) has missallocated a block in the LDU bitmap. DISK_ORGANIZER reports the logical address of the miss-allocated block with the appropriate error message. Then DISK_ORGANIZER halts, requiring FIXUP to be run. Running FIXUP (or Disk Polisher) should correct the bitmap. If a block is not allocated in the bitmap and FIXUP is unable to correct the error, please contact EAGLE Software for assistance.

. WARNING: No files match TRANSIENT_FILE file template "lduname:filename"
. This is an example of the message reported if file list(s) used with DISK_ORGANIZER contains pathname template(s) that do not match any files on the LDU. This message means either the files identified by the pathname template no longer exist of the format or the pathname template is invalid. Be sure the pathname template begins with the LDU name. For more information on file lists, see the section "Sample File Lists".

. WARNING: No files on LDU contain access counts!
. This warning occurs on AOS/VS systems when DISK_ORGANIZER's default soft option, Automatic File Placement (AFP), is selected, but the file access information does not exist. There are three possible causes for this error:

  • DISK_MONITOR was not run prior to reorganization
  • DISK_MONITOR was run, but file access logging was not enabled
  • a non-patched version of FIXUP was run, which erased the file access information
When DISK_ORGANIZER encounters this situation, files will be placed in the order they occur in the directories.

. Back packing the disk...
. "Back packing" is a routine that DISK_ORGANIZER uses when it cannot find an area of free space large enough to place a file element. DISK_ORGANIZER "back packs", or moves files to consolidate the free space, until the desired file element can be moved.

. Does DISK_MONITOR impact system overhead?
. DISK_MONITOR causes no additional I/O and has no noticeable affect on system performance.

Questions and Answers

. How can I tell if my version of FIXUP contains EAGLE Software's patch?
. If there is an doubt as to whether the patch is installed, run the macro PATCH_FIXUP.CLI. This macro will install the patch if it is not already installed. If the patch is already installed, the macro will do nothing. Be sure to use PATCH_FIXUP.CLI after loading an operating system update.

. My LDU(s) are fairly well organized. How can I give them a quick "tune up"?
. On many systems, the majority of disk accesses are to a small percentage of the allocated disk blocks (approximately 10%). Therefore, on an LDU that has been reorganized fairly recently, organizing the 10% of the disk blocks most frequently accessed will give a performance boost almost equal to that of a full reorganization. Use DISK_MONITOR to identify frequently accessed files, then use DISK_ORGANIZER to do an incremental reorganization to 10% of the disk blocks. A 10% incremental reorganization should take 20% of the time of a full reorganization.

. Do I need to bring down DISK_MONITOR during reorganization with DISK_ORGANIZER?
. No, DISK_ORGANIZER is not affected by DISK_MONITOR. Since the disk(s) will be released (or the system down) during reorganization, the file accesses made by DISK_ORGANIZER will not be logged by DISK_MONITOR.


DISK_PAK Online! is the only on-line disk optimization utility available for Data General's MV family of computers using the AOS/VS or AOS/VS II operating systems.

- Errors and Warning messages

. Disk Polisher of /FIX is recommended XX,XXX blocks could be recovered.
. AOS/VS II is designed to be "fault tolerant" and does not require Disk Polisher to be run after a system failure. However, each time this occurs, thousands of unused disk blocks may be marked as allocated on each LDU. Although DISK_PAK OnLine! may contain and reorganize most of the data, those allocated but unused blocks will prevent DISK_PAK OnLine! from completely reorganizing the disk. Running Disk Polisher or OnLine/FIX should recover the number of blocks indicated, and allow DISK_PAK OnLine! to completely optimize the disk.
If you are executing in batch mode and using the /NO_ABORT switch, DISK_PAK OnLine! will continue execution even if Disk Polisher is recommended.

. File does not exit.
File "SYSTEM.ST": Use /SYMBOL_TABLE=pathname to specify symbol table file.

. DISK_PAK OnLine is unable to find the symbol table (.ST) file for the current operating system. This can be corrected by using the switch /SYMBOL_TABLE to specify the symbol table file.

. File placement will not allow complete organization.
. The files are arranged in such a way that DISK_PAK OnLine! will not be able to completely optimize the disk in one session. You can allow DISK_PAK OnLine! to continue to do as much as it can, or restart it with a small /RESERVE value.

. Inconsistent space/bitmap data: FIXUP or "/FIX" is required.
Inconsistent space/bitmap data: Disk Polisher or "/FIX" is required.

. The current space on the LDU does not agree with information found in the LDU bitmap. DISK_PAK OnLine! will not optimize this LDU until FIXUP (AOS/VS) or Disk Polisher (AOS/VS II) has been run to correct the problem. DISK_PAK OnLine! can also be run with the /VERIFY=2 or /FIX switches to allow it to continue.

. Installed system exists.
. AOS/VS Classic only. This message indicates that an "installed system" (a special file that DISK_PAK OnLine! cannot move) exists, and will prevent complete optimization of the disk. Use /REMOVE to remove the installed system and allow DISK_PAK OnLine! to completely optimize the disk.

. Insufficient working space.
. The files are arranged in such a way that a file element cannot be moved to allow organization to continue. Restarting DISK_PAK OnLine! with a small /RESERVE or small /PRIORITIZE value may allow the LDU to be completely organized. This message usually means the LDU is too full (over 80%). Running Disk Polisher or FIXUP or removing file from the LDU may allow DISK_PAK OnLine! to complete.

. Low memory warning: Continuing could hang the system.
. Running DISK_PAK OnLine! in a very low memory environment can cause the system to hang. If this warning is issued, you should try to free up memory by eliminating unnecessary processes or by stopping DISK_PAK OnLine! and restarting it when the system is less active. If enough memory becomes available, this message will clear and processing will continue automatically.
If executing interactively, you can press ESC and then select from the "Continue Print Refresh Stop" menu bar. You can issue a CONTROL command to SUSPEND or STOP processing. If you tell DISK_PAK OnLine! to STOP without freeing up enough memory will cause unused blocks to remain allocated until FIXUP (AOS/VS), Disk Polisher (AOS/VS II), or OnLine/FIX is executed.

. No space remains for other processes. Use /RESERVE if needed.
. Data is "packed" at the end of the disk, using the space DISK_PAK OnLine! normally reserves for other processes. If other processes will be needing space on this LDU while DISK_PAK OnLine! is running, DISK_PAK OnLine! should be stopped and restarted with the /RESERVE switch.
If you are executing in batch mode and using the /NO_ABORT switch, DISK_PAK OnLine! will continue even if this error is encountered.

. OnLine! should not be executed on modem or contended lines; use QBATCH.
. This DISK_PAK OnLine! process has the MOD or CTD characteristic set, it will be terminated if the console line loses carrier. Use /IGNORE_LINE_CHAR to override this error message. Improper termination of DISK_PAK OnLine! may result in a file system lockup on the LDU being optimized.

. Physical unit failure, LDA=XXXXXXXXXXX
. A bad disk block has been encountered on the disk currently being optimized at the given logical disk address. Please refer to the appropriate Data General manual for directions to remap the bad block.

. System patch has not been installed, the fit file will not be optimized
. The ONLINE_VSII.PAT has not been applied to the current operating system and the system rebooted. DISK_PAK OnLine! can be run by selecting Continue in the menu bar, but the LDU will not be fully organized. See the section "Applying the System Patch."

. Unexpected remap area address.
. AOS/VS Classic only. This message indicates that the remap area (system area that DISK_PAK OnLine! cannot move) is not where DISK_PAK OnLine! expects it, and will prevent complete optimization of the disk. When DISK_PAK OnLine! completes, it will report either "Desired remap area is still allocated" or "Move remap area to address XXXXXXXXXXX to allow complete organization." Use DFMTR (partial format) to move the remap area if desired.

. Warning: Using "/FIX" or "/VERIFY" level>=2 on this LDU may cause panic
Not enough contiguous disk blocks for PAGE/SWAP
See"/VERIFY" in the manual
. If an LDU that contains the PAGE or SWAP directory is optimized with /FIX or /VERIFY=2, the operating system may panic. The panic may occur when a process attempts to page or is swapped out. The panic code will be 14331 for an unsuccessful attempt to page.

Questions and Answers

. What happens in the case of a power failure or system failure while DISK_PAK OnLine! is executing?
. Whether or not you are able to run Emergency Shut Down (ESD), DISK_PAK OnLine! maintains a consistent disk structure. FIXUP (AOS/VS), Disk Polisher (AOS/VS II), or OnLine/FIX should be executed to recover disk blocks (lots of them!) that DISK_PAK OnLine! had reserved for its use, but this is not required. These blocks must be recovered before DISK_PAK OnLine! can completely optimize the LDU.

. Can DISK_PAK OnLine! be BLOCKed or TERMed?
. No. DISK_PAK OnLine! cannot be BLOCKed because it executes as a resident process. Yes, DISK_PAK OnLine! can be TERMed, but it should not be. If you need to suspend or abort processing do so by pressing ESC if executing interactively, or issuing a CONTROL command if executing non-interactively. See the section "Executing DISK_PAK OnLine!" for more information.

. Are there any problems using DISK_PAK OnLine! with data caching or shared page files?
. No. DISK_PAK OnLine! works hand-in-hand with the operating system to execute nearly transparently to your applications.

. When and how often should DISK_PAK OnLine! be executed?
. Although DISK_PAK OnLine! does not interrupt normal processing, it is best to schedule it to execute during non-peak system usage times. Frequency will depend on system use, but once a week (right after weekly backups, for example) should be adequate in most situations.

. Does DISK_PAK OnLine! update the TLM or TLA of the files it organizes?
. No, however, if a file is trimmed (/TRIM), DISK_PAK OnLine! will update the TLM and TLA if /NO_TLM is not used.

. Does DISK_PAK OnLine! support third party drives?
. Yes, DISK_PAK OnLine! provides support for single and multiple disk systems (Data General or third party drives) across the entire MV product line.

. Can exclusively opened files be organized with DISK_PAK OnLine!?
. Yes, DISK_PAK OnLine! can optimize exclusively opened files without affecting the application using those files.

. Does DISK_PAK OnLine! support M.R.C. and CLARiiON systems?
. Yes, DISK_PAK OnLine! supports mirroring, M.R.C. subsystems, the CLARiiON subsystems, and can be run on systems that must be up 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


DISK_PAK for UNIX eliminates fragmentation by organizing a disk. A major improvement over previous methods, the organization is performed in-place, eliminating operator intervention and the need for tape drives or other auxiliary storage units.

Trouble Shooting

!. Do not stop DISK_PAK by issuing a KILL command or shutting down the system.
Why? The state of the file system bitmaps may be inconsistent, forcing you to run fsck to correct them. Data integrity is maintained throughout the organization process.

Questions and Answers

. DISK_PAK executes in text mode and the output is scrambled, why?
. Remember that the window must be at least 80 columns wide and 24 rows high. Also, if the size of the window changes, exit DISK_PAK and start again.

. DISK_PAK reports errors while initializing or does not seem to have access to the file systems selected.
. DISK_PAK should be run from the root account. The average user account will not have the access required to read or write to the required devices or system files.

. DISK_PAK reports an unstable file system while scanning.
. DISK_PAK allows the scanning of mounted file systems. In some cases, the scan is trying to look up information that may have changed during the scan because of the activity on the file system. In most cases, this can be corrected by waiting for a quieter time on the file system. If that does not correct the problem, then unmounting and running fsck on the file system may be required. If scanning on an unmounted file system continues to fail, please contact EAGLE Software's technical support for assistance.

. User gets message that a particular file system cannot be opened.
. The file system may be mounted or the user may lack the required privileges (read and write).

. Nothing happens when the command to execute DISK_PAK is entered.
. The DISK_PAK window may be displaying on the X Window Server running on some other machine. Check the DISPLAY environment variable with the "set" or "printenv" command.

. What do I have to do to optimize my "/" and "/usr" file systems?
. DISK_PAK currently requires the target file system to be unmounted before it can be optimized. The "/usr" file system, depending on how the system administrator has set up the system, may be unmounted in some cases. This is a topic to discuss with your system administrator.
Future revisions of DISK_PAK will allow for optimization of mounted file systems while the system is in single user mode. This enhancement will allow the "/" and "/usr" file systems to be optimized much easier.

. How long can I expect DISK_PAK to take to optimize my file systems?
. There are three important factors that determine the time it takes to optimize a file system:

  1. The size of the file system.
    The larger the file system, the longer it is going to take to move all the data around on the file system.
  2. How full the file system is (percentage).
    The fuller the file system is the longer the optimization will take because there is more data to move and less room to move it in. DISK_PAK has been tested and runs fine on file systems 99% full. It is still best to only fill your file systems to 75% for performance reasons.
  3. The number of files on the file system.
    Larger numbers of individual files require DISK_PAK to keep track of more data. This added overhead will cause DISK_PAK to be slower.

If all the above factors are in average ranges, DISK_PAK can optimize between 4 and 8 megabytes per minute. Divide the amount of data on the file system by this number and you should get an approximate time.

. Does DISK_PAK support SunSoft's Disk Suite for SunOS?
. DISK_PAK works on a logical disk partition and does not care about how that partition is created or supported by the operating system. So DISK_PAK does support file systems created with Disk Suite. DISK_PAK currently has a limit of a 2 gigabyte file system on SunOS. This limit should be raised in later releases of DISK_PAK.

. Does DISK_PAK support HADA and RAID disk subsystems?
. DISK_PAK works on a logical disk partition and does not care about the device it was created on. For this reason, DISK_PAK supports all HADA and RAID disk subsystems that your operating system supports.


RUSH allows any AOS/VS user to send comments, documents, or text files to any Group III fax machine in the world. RUSH will run from the CLI, as an integrated CEO Public User Application, or a WordPerfect Office integrated program.


If running under a revision of CEO prior to 3.00, your profile must contain the unlimited sons privilege. This is a CEO restriction, not a RUSH restriction.

When using RUSH in a CEO/Light environment that uses big pids and a revision of Xodiac prior to revision 5.40, a Uvta patch must be installed in order to run RUSH under CEO/Light using a Vcon. Consult your CEO/Light release notice for the requested patch.

The status line does not get updated on a timed basis while running RUSH under CEO. This is currently not supported. If you wish to refresh the status line, press the refresh key. Support for timed updates may be added in the future.

Under CEO, the AOS/VS username is displayed in the From field rather than the CEO alias name. This is a restriction in the CEO Toolkit. A work-a-round can be attained be setting the default From value in the local defaults file for each user.

When sending CEO Mail mesages, RUSH uses the Actinf For field to send the mail message on behalf of the original username. This allows users receiving RUSH messages via CEO Mail to reply to the real user rather than to RUSH.

Sending a Fax to an Inbox

If you mail a message to a user via WPOffice or CEO Mail and the destination user does not exist, RUSH may report a successful delivery. This is a restriction imposed by the level of integration allowed by various third party mail packages. EAGLE Software will continue to improve the level of integration as enhancements to third party mail systems are made.

©1997 EAGLE Software
Last Updated: 10/03/96 webmaster